I heard the saddest thing on Dr. Phil yesterday. It really made me thankful for my situation. Bullying in schools is hitting an all time high. No one is doing anything about it, in large part because no one knows what to do about it. Its like a mother watching her children bicker and be
cruel to each other day in and day out. You work hard and pray hard for them to stop and they still do it. The difference for the mom is she is around her children all day and can give her kids more one on one.
therefore she can put a stop to cruelty quickly before it gets out of hand. In schools that isn't the case. There is no one on one and in fact there are 30 kids to one teacher in a lot of cases. Even Child Care laws state limits on kids vs. adults yet we continue to pack school children in class rooms like sardines. How can one adult watch and keep on eye on 30 kids? How can that teacher make sure the cruelness doesn't escalate and get worse? The answer is they cant. This girl on Dr. Phil was a drug addict, had a destroyed relationship with her mom and brother, and was
completely lost in her life. All due to bullying she endured for two years. She didn't tell her mother about it that often and the few times she told her the mom would still make her go to school and was at a loss as to what to do about it. The school officials knew as well and in her words stood by and did nothing about it. She had things thrown at her, she was
laughed at on a daily basis, and she was made fun of. Due to her pain and no one understanding her she turned to drugs as a way to numb the reality of her life. This is so sad to me. What are we doing to our children? I was harshly bullied myself all through school and we still
don't have programs or answers to stop it. For all those out there who say kids need to go through this in order to grow,
pardon my language, but that is crap. Kids who go through this halt growth. It fosters low self
loneliness, distance from adults, and a high risk of turning to drugs or sex to medicate
their wounds. I am so thankful I home school my kids.
I'm grateful for the daily
opportunities to be apart of
their lives and wonderful education they receive.
I'm so glad they can focus on education and not what should I wear today so I can be accepted.
I'm so thankful for the chance to be close to them and be someone they can come talk to. I know a lot of mom's cant home school due to time, but if you can don't hesitate. It is wonderful, and who is more qualified then the mother?